Earth (ground) fault arc suppression coils (Petersen coils), manufactured by EGE IN CZECH REPUBLIC
Field of use: coils of this type are used to compensate for the capacitive current that occurs when when earth (ground) faults occur in electrical networks. The physical role of the Petersen coils is to allow the circulation in the fault location of a reactive short-circuit current IL, which opposes the capacitive current IC resulting from the composition of the capacitive currents of the healthy phases, to which the compound voltages of the network are applied. EGE extinguishing coils can be installed in networks with a nominal voltage between 6 kV and 110 kV, rated power from 125 kVA to 12,700 kVA with limited or continuous operation. In a three-phase network, the Petersen coils connect between the neutral of a three-phase coil to create artificial zero (BPN or TCN) and earth.
Design : can be semi-hermetic, with air cushion or can be equipped with oil conservator and Bucholtz relay.
Accessories : optionally can be equipped with auxiliary resistor designed to increase the active component of the fault current, two-frequency current injections for a much more efficient automatic tuning (CIF or MCI type), external voltage transformer, bidirectional wheels, radiators, etc. .